THAT moment...
That moment that makes you smile uncontrollably, that moment that brings tears to your eyes, that moment that takes your breath away...
That MOMENT...
That moment when you hear the bubbly giggle of a child, that turns into a bright smile, and transforms into a hearty, joyful laugh. That moment when you feel the pure joy of that laughter, when that laughter makes you want to laugh out loud and cry all at the same time...
This was my moment...riding on a pink elephant in the middle of Colombia. And for that moment, the world stopped and time stood still. That joy, that smile, that laughter...that little girl melted my heart. Two years ago that little girl-my precious Daniela-stole my heart in a letter, and 2 weeks ago, she melted my heart as we spent the day together. Sitting on that elephant ride, seeing her joy and hearing her laughter brought tears to my eyes, and I thought to myself, "this is it, THIS is what it's all about..."
This little girl, this tiny little 8 year old blew my world away. Her excitement to show me her family photo and give me a gift was beyond precious. Her gratitude when receiving her own gifts and the tears in her eyes when I gave her gifts for her family nearly broke my heart.
I knew this little girl was special, I just didn't know how special until I held her in my arms. God knew what He was doing when He told me to click that "sponsor" button. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams and nothing can replace that moment...