Dear God,
Why don't I have a sponsor yet? It feels like it's taking forever. My friends didn't have to wait this long! Am I not pretty enough? Not smart enough? Please give me a sponsor soon!
Nelida, age 7, Bolivia

Thank you for giving me a sponsor! I'm not really sure what it means, but my parents are VERY excited. Mom even cried! I guess I'll be getting letters like my sister does, so that could be neat.
Aldubi, age 5, Honduras

Dear God,
Thank you for my sponsor. She writes a lot of letters to me and sends me photos. It actually snows where she lives! I'm so happy she writes a lot. Please bless her and make her as happy as I am!
Ingrid, age 7, Peru

Dear God,
Why doesn't my sponsor write to me? I don't understand, my brother gets letters all the time, my friends do too. I guess I'm not loveable. Maybe everyone is right, I'm just not worth the trouble.
Kakooza, age 16, Uganda

Dear God,
Please help my sponsor's Grandma to get well. I know my sponsor is sad because her Grandma is sick. Please make her well so my sponsor will be happy again.
Karelia, age 13, Nicaragua

Dear God,
Why did my sponsor go away? I miss her letters. She was really pretty. Did I do something that she doesn't love me anymore?
Angelica, age 6, Philippines

Dear God,
I am soooooooooooo happy! My sponsor is coming to visit me! I ACTUALLY get to meet him. IN PERSON! This is going to be the best day EVER! I even get to stay in a hotel! Thank you God!
Dilan, age 8, Ecuador

Dear God,
Thanks you for the blessing of my sponsor over the years. He always believed in me and told me I could make a difference. I hope we can stay in touch even after I graduate. Maybe I'll even try the LDP program.
Uli, age 18, Indonesia
While these letters are fictitious, simply the musings of one sponsor, the faces are not. These are real children waiting for someone just like you to love them and give them a reason to write letters of joy and thankfulness to God.
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